
Sunday, December 30, 2012


As the title says "Firsts" this is truly a post of firsts.

1st  Blog ever in my life
1st  post for my new blog (I'm not counting my introduction post)
1st quilt idea to be posted on my 1st blog ever

Wow look at all those firsts and it's not even the New Year. I'm starting early with something new.

Ok so I love to go on YouTube and watch quilt tutorials by Jenny Joan of the Missouri Star Quilt Company. Thank you Jenny for sharing your talents and expertise on fun, easy, fast quilts. I'll keep watching for more.

So I highly recommend you click link for her tutorial of "The Disappearing 9-Patch" You'll love it. 

Here are pics of my disappearing 9-patch that I made in just a couple of days. It took me days because I only had a few short hours after work to play in my quilting room. This quilt won't take long at all.

Disappearing 9-patch and Bremley the Quilting Kitty.
"Wow!!! This quilt is the perfect size for snuggling under"

Disappearing 9-Patch, Pink and Brown

Disappearing 9-Patch and Bremley, The Quilting Kitty.
"Yep this corner is nice and comfy"

Shades of purple Disappearing 9-Patch Quilt.
Quilt tested and approved by Bremley The Quilting Kitty

My Disappearing 9-Patch Quilt step by step in hues of purple. I used Fat Quarters instead of charm packs because I couldn't find charm packs in the colors I needed. And charm packs are more expensive. I was able to cut 12- 5 1/4" squares out of each Fat Quarter. You only need 7 Fat Quarters to make the lap size quilt I created. I purchased 8 just to be on the safe side, in case I messed up on my cutting. (It happens to the best of us) Very little fabric to purchase (Which put a huge smile on hubbies face)

5 1/4" squares cut and machine sewn into the 9-patch block

Following Jenny Doan's cutting instructions, cut the block
down the middle both ways. And Wahlah!!! You get 4 blocks.

Now the fun begins! Rearrange those 4 blocks any way you want.
Seams do not need to match, making this super easy and worry free!!!
Sew the blocks to create a 4-patch quilt block. Arrange and Repeat with the other 9-patches

Sew the new blocks into rows. I did 3 across and 4 down.
I chose a dark purple border and light fleece backing for warmth.
With my "Quilting Kitty", Bremley, (She likes to sit on the fabric to hold it still or
pull out the pins I just put in before sewing the quilt sandwich)

Quilt softness and warmth must be Bremley approved.
 That's my "Quilting Kitty"always ready to help!!!

Disappearing 9-Patch complete. I just did the turned quilt technique
and turned out beautifully and we have the final approval of the "Quilt Tester"!!!
It looks like we cut large and small pieces and worked really hard to match all our seams.
Not so!! Thanks to Jenny Doan's tutorial on the Disappearing 9-Patch what looks like a difficult quilt really is "Quick and Easy"
This could be the perfect quilt pattern you've been looking for to start off the New Year!!! If you have comments or other fabulous quilt ideas feel free to post and share!!!

Happy New Year!!


  1. That is beautiful and looks like it should be So hard!

    1. Aww thanks Courtney. It is super easy and fast too. Hope you and your sweet family are doing well.


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